The study tour was organized within joint UNDP and Women’s Committee project that aims at supporting the Government in the implementation of the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and reducing the gender gaps that were highlighted in the concluding comments of the CEDAW Committee in August 2006.
Building the capacity and expertise of parliamentarians and benefiting from comparative international experience is part of project goals. Based on extensive background research South Korea was chosen for study tour for women’s parliamentarians as a country with replicable experience in women’s empowerment.
The aim of the visit was to exchange experience with South Korean counterparts and learn best practices in the development and implementation of gender legislation as well as gender mainstreaming and women’s empowerment policies and programmes.
South Korea has achieved a substantial progress in the area of gender equality and women’s empowerment. It has ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women in 1984 and in 1997 the Law to Prevent Domestic Violence was adopted. In May 1998 the government introduced an amendment to the Civil Law abolishing a provision which had prohibited women from remarrying until six months after a divorce. Within the period of 2002-2005 the National Assembly adopted significant changes into legislation framework of the country that considerably improved legal situation in women’s rights sphere.
Moreover, to strengthen Government’s coordination for women’s policies following institutions were reorganized. In 2002 the Women’s Policy Coordination Committee was founded as an institutional framework for reviewing and coordinating women-related government’s programs and policies.
The Committee is chaired by the Prime Minister and composed of heads of relevant ministries. In addition, the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family was created and a regular Committee on Gender Equality exists in the National Assembly.
Major highlights of the study programme included meetings with the Vice-Speaker of the National Assembly Lee Young Song, the Chairperson of the Committee of Gender Equality of the National Assembly Shin Nak Kyun, the Minister of Gender Equality Byon Do Yun, and the President of Korean Women’s Development Institute Kim Te Hyon. On the last day of the visit, during the meeting with the chief editor of “Korea Post” magazine Lee Kyong Seek the delegation shared their impressions and lessons learned from the trip for an upcoming issue of the magazine.
Specifically, Ms. Marufova, deputy chairperson of the Women’s Committee of Uzbekistan said: “The achievements of Uzbekistan in the promotion of gender equality are worth noting. However, we have yet much to learn from countries like South Korea and implement to ensure the full institutional realization of women’s rights in our country. In particular, more research and acknowledgement of women’s unpaid home labour and its input in the economy is needed. “
The study tour of the delegation from Uzbekistan to South Korea enabled the establishment of contacts, learning best practices and extending the existing cooperation between the two countries into the area of promoting gender equality. As a follow up to the visit, the delegation will develop relevant recommendations based on the analysis of Korean laws, policy documents, and programmes on gender equality for their possible replication in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Among areas of particular interest for discussion and replication are a) promotion of the allocation of a separate Ministry for Gender Issues, b) considering introduction of relevant legislation and gender budgeting planning; c) considering setting up a separate Gender Issues Committee in the Parliament; and d) studying the work of social support and trafficking and violence victim rehabilitation centres.