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Uzbekistan 18/07/2024 State visit of Kyrgyz President to Uzbekistan to boost bilateral partnership
State visit of Kyrgyz President to Uzbekistan to boost bilateral partnership

Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( -- On 18-19 July, President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov will make a state visit to Uzbekistan, marking the second visit in the past three years, experts note.

Last year, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan celebrated the 30th anniversary of their diplomatic relations. Over this period, bilateral cooperation faced various challenges that significantly hindered interaction between the two countries.

However, the election of Shavkat Mirziyoyev as President of Uzbekistan in 2016 marked a turning point in relations. In a short time, the countries managed to resolve complex issues and inject positive dynamics into their cooperation. As a result, relations were elevated to a strategic partnership in 2017.

With Sadyr Japarov’s presidency, bilateral interaction has continued to develop steadily, reaching an unprecedented level of comprehensive strategic partnership in 2023.

The strong political will and joint efforts of the heads of state have significantly advanced the resolution of vital issues, giving bilateral cooperation a qualitatively new dimension.

Many barriers causing interstate tension have been removed, notably border issues have been resolved, and productive dialogue on joint use of water and energy resources has begun.

The benefits of these achievements are already being felt by our peoples. Today, over 20 checkpoints operate on the Kyrgyz-Uzbek border, a unique situation in Central Asia. Consequently, in 2022, a record number of mutual visits—12.4 million—was recorded, with 35,000 daily crossings, compared to just 3,000 daily crossings and 1.2 million annually in 2016.

The deep transformation of bilateral interaction has been driven by regular high-level contacts and a comprehensive, multi-tiered political dialogue at intergovernmental, interparliamentary, interdepartmental, and interregional levels.

In 2017, after an eight-year hiatus, the joint Intergovernmental Commission on Trade-Economic, Scientific-Technical, and Cultural-Humanitarian Cooperation resumed its work, directly coordinated by the prime ministers.

Another important factor in Uzbek-Kyrgyz relations is interparliamentary ties. In 2017, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan and the Jogorku Kenesh of Kyrgyzstan. An Interparliamentary Commission and a Friendship Group for Cooperation were also established.

To strengthen good-neighborliness in border areas, the Council of Governors of Border Regions was created in 2017—a unique mechanism unmatched by any other country. This platform demonstrated the intention of both sides to work together and promptly resolve all contentious issues on a mutually beneficial basis.

Active exchanges between the foreign ministries of the two countries have played a special role in promoting constructive interaction.

Regular political consultations between the foreign ministries align the positions of both countries on nearly all relevant bilateral and regional issues. Additionally, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan support each other’s initiatives within international organizations such as the UN, SCO, and OTS.

Strong trade and economic ties – key driver of deeper Uzbek-Kyrgyz relations

Today, trade and economic cooperation between Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan shows impressive dynamics and great prospects for further growth.

In 2023, the mutual trade turnover between Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan approached one billion dollars, nearly six times the 2016 figure. Consequently, last year Kyrgyzstan became one of Uzbekistan’s top ten trading partners.

There are solid grounds and, most importantly, firm intentions to double trade volumes in the coming years through diversification and expansion of its range.

Certainly, such high dynamics of economic interaction became possible thanks to newly established bilateral institutional mechanisms and forms of economic cooperation over recent years.

In this context, the Uzbek-Kyrgyz Business Council between the chambers of commerce and industry of the two countries, established in 2021, plays a significant role. It was created to facilitate active dialogue among business communities and promote mutual interests and projects.

Additionally, following Shavkat Mirziyoyev’s state visit to Kyrgyzstan in January 2023, agreements were reached on developing priority industrial sectors and a comprehensive program for strategic trade and economic cooperation for 2023-2025. This includes joint projects in automobile and commercial vehicle manufacturing, launching joint textile enterprises, and producing chemical products.

Further contributing to increased bilateral trade is interregional cooperation. In January 2023, comprehensive programs were signed to expand cooperation between the Andijan and Osh, Namangan and Jalal-Abad, Ferghana and Batken regions for 2023-2025. Similar "roadmaps" were also signed between the Jizzakh and Issyk-Kul regions.

Business forums have also made a significant contribution, where action plans oriented towards concrete practical results are adopted. For instance, during the latest business forum held in Bishkek in January 2023, a substantial package of contracts totaling US$1.6 billion was signed.

Moreover, to finance promising projects, the Uzbek-Kyrgyz Development Fund was established in 2021 with an initial capital of US$50 million, to be increased to US$200 million. Within a short period, the Fund has already utilized US$35 million towards specific socially significant projects, including supplying Uzbek automotive equipment, including housing and utilities equipment, to remote Kyrgyz villages, as well as constructing small hydropower plants on Kyrgyz rivers.

It’s important to note that today Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan are not only opening their markets to each other but also taking practical measures to reduce import dependency.

By leveraging their competitive advantages and economic complementarities, both countries are actively developing industrial cooperation and joint production of high value-added goods, in demand within the region and in third-country markets.

By now, the number of enterprises with Kyrgyz capital operating in Uzbekistan has increased more than fivefold since 2016—from 50 to 267. Furthermore, a Practical Measures Plan is being implemented to expand and deepen cooperation in industrial cooperation, encompassing 60 projects worth over US$550 million.

In other words, the established mechanisms of economic and investment interaction demonstrate their effectiveness, enabling the expansion of mutually beneficial cooperation for the prosperity and sustainable development of the peoples of both countries.

Nevertheless, efforts should continue to enhance close coordination of interaction towards developing economic cooperation, with a long-term goal of lifting trade restrictions and creating a full-fledged free trade zone.

Synergy of transport and energy potential - a significant priority in Uzbek-Kyrgyz relations

In recent years, strategic importance has been placed on the interaction between the two countries in implementing transport and energy projects of regional significance.

It is important to note that in June, a historic agreement was reached on the construction of the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway. This project had been awaited for over 25 years.

Upon practical implementation, the railway will provide convenient access to ports in the Persian Gulf and the Pacific Ocean, serving as a trigger for the development of various economic sectors, contributing to the creation of new jobs and improving the welfare of the population.

In turn, the development of secure and efficient transport corridors connecting China with our region will enable Central Asia to act as a kind of "gateway" and a land bridge linking several strategically important regions of Eurasia.

Significantly, the project has already received international recognition from reputable institutions. For instance, the Eurasian Development Bank highlighted the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway route in its 2024 report as an important route capable of strengthening and expanding the Eurasian transport framework.

In the same month, another equally important event occurred - the signing of a trilateral agreement between Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan for the construction of the Kambaratinskaya HPP-1.

This multifaceted regional project aims to jointly develop energy and water resources to ensure sustainable development in Central Asia.

It is expected that its practical implementation will enhance regional energy security, demonstrate political will to the world, and showcase the ability of Central Asian countries to independently create large joint projects.

Moreover, such cooperation among the three countries will attract foreign investments and enable the production of clean energy products for export to third-country markets.

Thus, the implementation of the aforementioned infrastructure projects is poised to fundamentally change the energy and transport landscape of Central Asia, becoming a symbol of regional interconnectedness.

Cultural and Humanitarian Dialogue - Foundation of Fraternal Relations between the Uzbek and Kyrgyz Peoples

The strong foundation for the development of Uzbek-Kyrgyz relations lies in rich cultural and humanitarian ties, grounded in shared history, spiritual values, and close century-old traditions.

Communities residing in both countries serve as a natural bridge between the Uzbek and Kyrgyz peoples. In Uzbekistan, more than 300,000 Kyrgyz live, supported by six Kyrgyz cultural centers and over 50 schools with Kyrgyz-language education. Andijan Pedagogical University hosts a Faculty of Kyrgyz Philology.

In turn, Uzbeks constitute 15% of Kyrgyzstan’s population, making them the largest ethnic group numerically after the titular nation.

Encouragingly, recent years in Kyrgyzstan have seen significant attention given to the development of education and culture among Uzbek nationals. For example, in 2023, the Center for Uzbek Language and Culture was established at Osh State University, and the restored building of the State Academic Uzbek Music and Drama Theater named after Babur was ceremoniously opened in Osh city.

A positive tradition has become regular cultural exchanges and mutual participation in events organized both in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.

Annually, art, cinema days, national holidays, forums, inter-university conferences, scientific symposiums, and more are held. In December 2023, Tashkent hosted the presentation of the symbolic book "Beloved Son of Two Nations" on the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the distinguished Kyrgyz writer and thinker Chingiz Aitmatov.

Substantial impetus has been given to further development of humanitarian contacts through cooperation in higher education. In October 2023, Osh hosted the first International Forum of University Rectors, with participation from 180 rectors and representatives of other major educational organizations from both countries.

In November of the same year, the Chingiz Aitmatov Center for Kyrgyz Language and Culture was established at Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi.

Furthermore, thanks to favorable conditions created, cooperation in tourism has intensified. Since September of last year, our citizens have been crossing the border with ordinary internal passports, and the time for passing goods and people has been reduced to an unprecedented 8 minutes.

Alongside this, regular flights have been established on the "Tashkent-Bishkek" route, and air services connecting Ferghana with Sokh have been launched.

In 2023, Kyrgyzstan was visited by 5 million citizens of Uzbekistan, making our country the number one tourism partner for the Kyrgyz side. Our citizens prefer to visit the sights of Kyrgyzstan, primarily the "Kyrgyz pearl" - the large high-altitude Lake Issyk-Kul.

At the same time, Uzbekistan was visited by 1.4 million tourists from Kyrgyzstan. Ancient cities such as Bukhara, Khiva, Samarkand, and Tashkent are of great interest to Kyrgyz travelers.

Overall, cooperation between the two countries in the cultural and humanitarian sphere has significantly intensified in recent years. This trend not only bears fruit but also opens up new prospects for further cooperation.

Nevertheless, there still exists untapped potential for increasing mutual tourist exchanges, which can be activated through the creation of joint tourist routes, products, and brands.

Thus, the positive dynamics observed in recent years in the development of the entire complex of Uzbek-Kyrgyz relations provide grounds to believe that the upcoming visit of President Sadyr Japarov of Kyrgyzstan to Uzbekistan will give a powerful impetus to bilateral cooperation, contributing to the further deepening of comprehensive strategic partnership.

Azamat Sulimanov,
Head of the ISMI Department
under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Kahramon Allaberganov,
Senior Researcher at ISMI
under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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