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Finance 19/09/2010 Legislative Chamber reviews budget execution in 1H
Legislative Chamber reviews budget execution in 1H
Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( -- The Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan considered execution of the State Budget of Uzbekistan in the first half of 2010.

The control over the execution of the main financial document is one of the most responsibilities of Parliament, so members of the lower chamber of Oliy Majlis have always paid particular attention to it. The report was tentatively discussed at the meetings of the committees, factions of political parties and the parliamentary group of the Environmental Movement of Uzbekistan with representatives of the Ministry of Finance, heads of other ministries and departments. During preliminary discussions, current socio-economic issues and the course of anti-crisis program implementation as well as the issues of social aid to population, funding for health, education culture and other spheres were highlighted.

It was emphasized that during the reporting period the state budget was executed in accordance with the parameters previously approved by both chambers of Oliy Majlis and priorities of socio-economic development of the country for 2010, launched by President Karimov at the Cabinet’s meeting in January 2010.

Comprehensive preliminary review of the report in the committees of the Legislative Chamber and the parliamentary factions of political parties allowed deputies protect the interests of their constituents and party programs and develop a clear coherent position on the discussion.

During the meeting the views of all factions of political parties including Environmental Movement of Uzbekistan were heard, UzA reported.

The representatives from the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businessmen of Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan noted that the State Budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the first half was fulfilled with surplus. The continuation of an active investment policy provided an increase of foreign direct investment compared to the same period of last year. Approved by the Cabinet of Ministers the measures to further support small business and private enterprise had increased the number of registered small enterprises compared to the beginning of the year. Also, the reduction of tax burden and increase of bank loans to private business entities positively impacted the intensive development of small businesses.

The members from the faction of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan drew attention to the fact country’s state budget in the first half was filled with a clear social orientation – health, education, culture and sport spheres and the State Program The Year of Harmoniously Developed Generation were financed in time.

The deputies noted that the program on creation of new jobs, adopted by Oliy Majlis had been carried out a head of schedule. More than 509.4 thousand new jobs, of which over 350.1 thousand in rural areas, were created during the reporting period.

Considerable proportion of these jobs was created in the small business and private entrepreneurship field, including the sphere of services. The implementation of the measures on the further improvement of maternity and childcare and the development of preventive healthcare had been carried out in the country. Over half of the budget during the reporting period spent on the development of the social sphere.

The members of the faction of the Democratic Party of Uzbekistan Milly Tiklanish stressed the importance of timely financing of homes and palaces of culture, museums, theaters, libraries and other institutions of spiritual and educational arenas that play a huge role in reviving and preserving centuries-old spiritual and moral values of people, educating the young generation in the spirit of patriotism and devotion to the ideas of independence and democracy.

Particular attention was paid to the timely provision of educational institutions, science and training. The cost of public education institutions amounted to 1.6 trillion soums. At the same time, over 17.4 billion soums were allocated for winter clothing to students from low-income families at secondary schools and school accessories for first-graders.

The members of the faction of the Social Democratic Party of Uzbekistan Adolat noted that during the reporting period Uzbekistan was able to successfully confront the threats and challenges of the global financial crisis as well sustain the economic and social development.

The representatives of the Environmental Movement of Uzbekistan stressed that the success Uzbekistan in socio-economic development was made possible largely due to the successfully conducted technical modernization and renewal of leading branches of industry, which contributed not only to the increase of productivity and reduce of product cost, but also, to environmental protection and improvement of the ecological environment in several parts of Uzbekistan.

Having heard and considered the views of representatives of all factions of political parties and the parliamentary group of the Environmental Movement of Uzbekistan, the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis approved the report on the State budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the first half of 2010 and adopted the relevant resolution.

Within the session, the deputies also reviewed the laws in draft, aimed at further deepening the reforms in the political, social and economic areas.

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