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Culture 20/11/2014 Kamalak Yulduzlari Festival named winners
Kamalak Yulduzlari Festival named winners
Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( -- A gala-concert of Republican Children Creative Festival “Kamalak Yulduzlari” was held at Istiqlol Palace in Tashkent on 19 November 2014.

The festival takes place each year. It is organized by Kamolot Youth Movement and Ministry of Public Education, Ministry of Culture and Sport Affairs and Uzbekistan Art Academy.

Children at the age from 6 to 15 demonstrate their talents at the festival. Over 37,600 applications were submitted to the festival this year. Some 698 children qualified to the final stage.

Jury determined the winners on six directions – performance at classic and national musical tools, traditional and academic singing, choreography, fine and applied art, prose and poetry.

In line with the decision of the jury, the winners of the contest are:

Group A: piano, strings, wind, percussion instruments

Mustafaeva Zuhra - Navoi
Bekbulaeva Razaliya - Karakalpakstan
Jamiev Srajetdin - Karakalpakstan
Akhmedov Shahzod - Khorezm
Pulatova Saltanat - Khorezm
Stolyarets Natalia - Tashkent region
Akhmedov Bekzod - Ferghana
Nojkin Danil - Ferghana
Rakhimov Hasanboy - Andijan
Kamilov Bekhzod - Andijan
Nizamova Mohigul - Andijan
Nurmatova Amalia - Namangan
Nosirova Shohsanam - Namangan
Kuvvatova Zarnigor - Jizzakh
Slapaguzov Artem - Surkhandarya
Ganieva Malika - Samarkand
Haqnazarov Abbos – Syrdarya

Group B: traditional signing, academic signing, variety

Karimbaeva Sarbinaz - Karakalpakstan
Abduhamidova Gulshoda - Namangan
Avlokulova Sevinch - Kashkadarya
Mahmoudov Muzrobhuja - Tashkent region
Nazrullaev Biloliddin - Syrdarya
Mamasoliev Akbar - Samarkand
Group "Tanovar" - Ferghana
Group "Nafosat" - Navoi
Akhmedov Shamsiddin - Khorezm
Choral Group "Tabassum" - Tashkent
Polushkina Victoria - Tashkent
Atamuratov Hursandbek - Karakalpakstan
Ilkhomov Murodjon - Jizzakh
Karimova Nafosat - Tashkent

Group C: national instruments, strings, stringed musical, percussion instruments

Kaypova Ulzoda - Karakalpakstan
Aymuratov Jaksilik - Karakalpakstan
Group "Sado" (Doira) - Navoi
Annarova Rano - Tashkent
Group "Iste’dod" - Tashkent region
Rustamboev Umid - Khorezm
Asqarov Jasurbek - Ferghana
Shamsiev Shahbozbek - Ferghana
Ensemble "Sugdiyona" (Doira) - Andijan
Normatov Mirjalol - Namangan
Iskandarov Shukurullo - Bukhara
Akhmedov Farrukh - Surkhandarya
Group "Dilhush" (Doira) - Kashkadarya
Ziyodullaeva Aziza - Samarkand
Isokov Ahror - Syrdarya
Mamedov Ogali - Syrdarya
Ilhomova Malika - Jizzakh
Karimova Dilnavoz - Syrdarya
Khamidjonov Rahmatillo - Andijan
Kurbonova Durdona – Surkhandarya

Group D: national, ballroom and modern dances, ballet

Orzikulova Zamira - Jizzakh
Umarova Iroda - Namangan
Rustamova Hinjihon - Khorezm
Egamberdieva Mubina - Andijan
Adizova Guzal - Bukhara
Muydinova Nazokat - Ferghana
Karimov Madina - Khorezm
Group "Raks" - Tashkent
Group "Inspiration" - Tashkent region
Group "Shodiyona" - Kashkadarya
Group "Raks" - Karakalpakstan
Group "Diydor" - Jizzakh
Group "Shirin" - Navoi
Group "Gulnoz" - Syrdarya
Group "Kaldirgoch" - Karakalpakstan
Group "Bayram" - Namangan
Group "Meros" – Khorezm

Group E: fine and applied art

Murtozakulov Javohir - Syrdarya
Makhsumov Jamshid - Jizzakh
Avazov Alisher - Kashkadarya
Mirsaidov Miraziz - Tashkent
Jalilova Shakhzoda - Navoi
Isomitdinova Munisa - Tashkent region
Asrorova Asal - Bukhara
Nebagina Ksenia - Tashkent
Sagatova Kamilla - Tashkent
Hodjimurodov Muhammad - Tashkent region
Najimov Askar - Bukhara
Rakhimova Rukhsora - Navoi

Group F: poetry, literature and theatric scenario

Yusupova Kunduz - Karakalpakstan
Sabriddinov Asliddin - Tashkent region
Tojiboev Mashrab - Ferghana
Shokirova Aziza - Jizzakh
Mahmulova Pokiza - Samarkand
Ganieva Salomat - Bukhara
Ruziboeva Oysha - Andijan
Rustamova Madina - Tashkent
Erkinova Dilhayot - Tashkent region
Ibodullaeva Zarinabonu - Syrdarya

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