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Technologies 10/03/2020 Directions for improving projects are given
Directions for improving projects are given

Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( -- On 10 March, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev reviewed the presentation of projects that will be implemented in a number of areas of our country’s life.

Today, modern information technology is one of the most important conditions for sustainable development. They facilitate public and public administration, simplify people’s lives, improve the quality of products and services, reduce costs, and contribute to the eradication of corruption.

In his Address to the Oliy Majlis in January 2020, the head of our state identified the widespread adoption of digital technologies in all areas of the country’s socio-economic life as a priority.

Thus, the State Program adopted in the framework of the Year of the Development of Science, Education and the Digital Economy provides for the development of the “Digital Uzbekistan - 2030” strategy this year.

Today, the digital economy provides up to 15.5 percent of global gross domestic product. Over the past 15 years, the digital economy has grown 2.5 times faster than global GDP.

In our country, it is planned to double the gross domestic product. An important role in achieving this goal is given to the mechanisms of the digital economy.

In recent years, the concept of "digital city" has been gaining widespread application in the world. It is planned that, taking into account the experience gained in this area, the “digital Tashkent” system will be introduced. After two years of testing this system, the formed ready-made software will be implemented in other regions of the country.

During today’s presentation, information is presented on the ongoing work on the implementation of digital technologies.

Information systems such as “Passport of medical institutions”, “UzTrans”, tourist counting “E-Mehmon” have already created wide conveniences for residents and visitors of our country.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev gave instructions on the development and implementation of new software this year, including Kindergarten, Distance Education, a single electronic ticket for travel in city public transport, Construction Supervision, and an electronic medical record.

The introduction of an electronic medical record, in particular, will allow doctors to significantly save time in paperwork and thereby expand their ability to work with the patient.

In this regard, 15 specialized medical centers, 11 multidisciplinary associations and 62 clinics in Tashkent will be connected to the information systems “Unified Electronic Medical Record” and “Electronic Clinic” with the integration of private clinics. Similar systems will be organized in other areas and industries.

It was noted that for the smooth and efficient operation of systems, proper infrastructure is needed, tasks were set to connect all government institutions to high-speed data transmission networks, and to provide them with modern computer technologies.

In order to develop among the population, especially young people, the skills demanded in the digital age, the project “One Million Programmers” was launched.

Today, over 600 healthcare institutions, pre-school education and schools in Tashkent are provided with high-speed Internet access. During the presentation it was indicated that work in this direction cannot be called sufficient.

Considering the fact that telecommunications infrastructure is the basis of the concept of a “digital city”, it was entrusted to provide high-speed Internet connection in more than 1,500 social facilities for two years.

The head of state drew attention to the need to create separate project offices in the structure of the khokimiyat of the city of Tashkent in the fields of education, medicine, housing and communal services, transport, construction, cadastre and other areas. In these institutions, programmers, together with specialists in these areas will develop specialized software, test and implement them. If necessary, integration with the appropriate information system developed for other areas will be ensured.

The issues of financing the “Digital Tashkent” project were also considered. The importance of creating conditions for the active participation of entrepreneurs in this process on the basis of public-private partnerships was emphasized.

The issues of improving the quality of public services provided through the "Electronic Government" system, accelerating the digitalization of public services, ensuring openness and transparency of the activities of government bodies and organizations are touched upon.

The head of state also got acquainted with the presentation of the construction of social facilities.

Among them, the project for the construction of a new building of the National Archive, developed in pursuance of the decree of the President “On improving the activities of the Uzarkhiv Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan” dated 20 September  2019.

The National Archival Fund is one of the most extensive and unique in our region. Currently, 1 million 800 thousand documents from various periods of history are stored here.

The new archive building will embody modern architectural solutions and advanced requirements. The construction will be erected in accordance with the criteria and requirements for particularly important buildings of the 1st category. First of all, it is planned to increase the capacity of archives to 3 million storage units, organize a repository, expand the reading room, make extensive use of modern information technologies to provide a high level of service to researchers.

Moreover, in order to develop tourism, it is planned to organize archival exhibitions, including for foreign guests.

The presented project includes a large reading complex, rooms for conferences and exhibitions, a library of scientific data and a museum, a cinema hall, a buffet and meeting rooms.

The head of state also familiarized himself with projects for the construction of a magnificent library in the city of Tashkent, the transformation of the old town into a tourism and shopping zone in a historical setting. The President made recommendations for further improvement of projects, creating even greater amenities for the population.

Standard designs of complexes for citizens’ self-government bodies are presented. As you know, the construction of such complexes is provided for by the President’s decree “On organizing the activities of the Ministry to support the makhalla and the family of the Republic of Uzbekistan” dated February 18, 2020. When implementing this project, it is planned to use innovative technologies, affordable and energy-saving materials. Measures for the quality construction of complexes on the terms of public-private partnership are identified.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev studied in detail standard projects for the construction of complexes of citizens’ self-government bodies in the regions and gave relevant instructions.

A presentation was also made of the reform of the organizational system of internal affairs bodies, including new mechanisms for managing forces and assets on a national scale and in the context of regions.

The proposals on optimizing a number of managerial leadership positions were voiced in order to create favorable conditions for the effective organization of daily work in the prevention of crime and the fight against crime.

The results of the work of the internal affairs bodies of the city of Tashkent were separately discussed, the main conceptual directions for further improving the efficiency of ensuring public safety in the capital for the current year were presented.

These innovations are being introduced in order to increase the efficiency of interaction between services and departments of the internal affairs bodies, reduce bureaucratic components, and gradually create a qualitatively new personnel management system in the field.

Measures to improve projects have been identified.

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