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Tourism 26/04/2022 Development of tourism directions outlined
Development of tourism directions outlined

Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( -- On 26 April, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a videoconference on measures to expand the coverage of tourism services and develop tourism infrastructure.

The global tourism industry is starting to recover as restrictions imposed during the pandemic are gradually eased. In the first quarter of this year, our country was visited by 610,000 foreign tourists, which is more than twice as many as in the same period last year. The flow of tourists is expected to increase in the coming months.

At the meeting, the level of readiness of the tourist infrastructure was analyzed, shortcomings were indicated.

In particular, there are fewer accommodation places in hotels in Karakalpakstan, Andijan and Kashkadarya regions than demand. The great opportunities available in Navoi, Jizzakh, Surkhandarya, Kashkadarya and Tashkent regions are not used. There are very few youth-oriented tourism services. The establishment of family-friendly and all-inclusive services is progressing slowly.

Only 18 out of 206 geothermal and mineral springs are used for tourism purposes. For example, the Arashan lakes on the Kamchik pass, where the water temperature is 36 degrees all year round, are not inferior to foreign resorts in terms of tourism potential. In Chimbay, Karauzyak and Takhtakupir, you can organize sanatoriums around thermal springs, the water of which has a temperature of 40-70 degrees.

The potential of 122 museums of the country is not used to the full. They contain more than 2.5 million items, of which 112 thousand are unique monuments of world history and culture.

The meeting discussed measures to use such opportunities to restore pre-pandemic indicators in the tourism sector and expand the range of services.

It was emphasized that, first of all, it is necessary to implement large-scale projects in each region that will attract tourists.

For example, thousands of foreign and local tourists daily visit the Afsonalar Vodiysi complexes in Namangan and the Amirsoy complex in Bostanlyk. Another project has been launched in Khanabad with the participation of foreign investors.

The President noted that there are many such places in our country and listed the opportunities that have not yet been used.

This, in particular, is one of the deepest caves in the world Baibulak, Teshiktash caves, where the remains of a Neanderthal man were found, a monument of ancient Hellenic culture - the fortress of Uzundara in Baysun. The nature and climate of the region are favorable for the development of tourism. By building here hotels, campsites, cable cars, tourist houses, you can attract 500,000 tourists.

Such opportunities exist in the villages of Tovoksoy in Bostanlyk, Ovjasoy in Akhangaran, Yangiobod in Angren, Miraki in Shakhrisabz, Nanay in Yangikurgan, Chodak in Pape.

The possibility of creating bathing areas on the lakes Ashshikul in Nukus, Zikrikul in Bukhara, Aydarkul and Tuzkan in Jizzakh, as well as in the Charvak zone was indicated.

Measures have been identified for the construction along the Uzbek tourist highway, passing through 31 districts and cities, caravanserais, which will provide parking, camping, car service, catering and gas stations.

A package of services "for 1000 dollars" will be formed in Tashkent, aimed at ensuring that foreign tourists stay in the city for at least 3 days. This program will include year-round water and theme parks, food and shopping streets, live concerts, shows and festivals.

The meeting discussed the development of domestic tourism. The task was set to bring the flow of domestic tourists to 10 million people.

In particular, from 1 July, entrepreneurs who have opened guest houses, catering and trade points, entertainment establishments in tourist villages will pay turnover tax and social tax at a rate of 1 percent for three years, as well as only 1 percent of the accrued tax on property, land and water taxes. Within the framework of family business programs, loans will be provided: up to 50 million soums - for the creation of guest houses in tourist villages, up to 300 million soums - for the construction of complexes of yurts and eco-houses, up to 300 million soums - for the construction of tent camps. Every year, 200 young people from tourist villages will study free of charge at the expense of the budget in tourism technical schools.

Khokims were instructed to improve roads, electricity, drinking water and communications in tourist villages. This year, 250 billion soums will be allocated from the republican budget for these purposes.

The need to create websites and mobile applications that will help foreign tourists organize all stages of the journey was emphasized.

Cultural events also play an important role in attracting tourists. Our country organizes 186 different festivals, including international ones. They have the potential to attract an additional 1 million foreign and 5 million domestic tourists. Responsible persons were instructed to hold these events at a high level of organization and security, to promote them around the world.

This year, on the occasion of the Navruz holiday, additional holidays were announced, discounts were provided in 250 hotels and museums, and visits to pilgrimage tourism sites became free, which gave a great impetus to domestic tourism. As a result, an additional 110,000 domestic tourists visited Bukhara and Samarkand. Next week, on the occasion of Ramadan Khayit, compatriots will be able to rest for another 5 days.

The head of state stressed the need to stimulate domestic travel not only on the eve of the holidays, but throughout the year.

To this end, starting this year, the practice of covering by state organizations the internal 20 percent of the costs of tourist trips of their employees once a year at the expense of extrabudgetary funds will be introduced.

In addition, from 1 September, for citizens traveling around the country, a system of 15 percent of the cost of air, railway and bus tickets, 20 percent of the cost of hotel accommodation, 50 percent of the cost of tickets to museums and other cultural objects will be refunded.

The effective organization of museum activities also plays an important role in the development of tourism. Therefore, it was instructed to conduct a complete inventory of all museum exhibits in the country, create their electronic database, and improve the skills of museum managers and employees.


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