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Uzbekistan 06/12/2008 Address by President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov at Constitution Day
Uzbek President Islam Karimov
Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( -- Address by President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov at Constitution Day Address by President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov at the meeting dedicated to the 16th anniversary of adoption of Constitution of Uzbekistan.

Dear compatriots!
Ladies and gentlemen!

It gives me a profound pleasure to congratulate all of you present in this hall and in your person our entire nation on the Constitution Day and express to all of you my sincere respect.

At these days we celebrate the 16th anniversary of adoption of our Main Law that laid the basic principles, provisions and norms, in short, the fundamental legal basis of building a democratic state, free market economy and developing civil society, the highest value of which is a human, his interests, rights and freedoms.

Having adopted the Constitution of the country, we have fully rejected the old, obsolete totalitarian ideologized administrative-command system, and chosen the new strategy of a law-governed democratic development of the country that meets the true interests of our people.

Based on the fundamental provisions and requirements of our Main Law we have adopted our own Uzbek model of radical reforming and modernizing the country, the five main principles of which have not yet lost their urgency and importance today.

I believe you will agree with me that as the time goes by our life itself and the gains our country hav secured once and again convince us in the correctness of the norms and principles stipulated in our Constitution that correspond to the long-term interests and aspirations of our nation.

Primarily, the sustainable growth rates in economic and social development, stable and progressive increase of people’s living standards, cardinally changing look of our towns and villages, districts, cities, and mainly, democratic renewal of the country, - stand as an evidence and striking confirmation of changes enormous both on their scale and depth that have been secured for over the past period.

And what is of a special importance, the look and worldview of our man, his attitude towards life, towards the results of his labor, his complicity to everything what is going on in the world and around him are radically changing. His political activeness, his civil consciousness and responsibility are on the rise.

Today it will be not any exaggeration to say that it is a growing social activeness of population, the ongoing deep and qualitative changes in political and legal consciousness of our people that stand as the most important determining factor of the country’s achievements at the modern stage. At the same time, it all serves as a reliable and sustainable basis for further deepening political and economic reforms, liberalizing the judicial system, increasing the role and enhancing the civil society institutions.

In other words, the dynamics of our life itself ever more persistently puts on the current agenda the issue of enhancing our work to implement the Programme “From a strong state to a strong civil society” that serves for us as a model of evolutionary development of the country.

The essence and substance of this policy task is, above all, as follows: with consolidating public and political, social and economic potential, and with growing political and legal awareness and consciousness of people, the logic of the chosen model of country’s reforming itself is putting forward, along the path of democratic renewal of the country, the new objectives, primarily, the objectives of strengthening the role of citizens in governing the country.

First of all, these are the issues of consistent curbing the role of state and simultaneous expanding the functions and powers of citizens’ self-governing bodies - makhalla, increasing the role of political and public institutions, non-state and non-governmental structures which express and protect the true interests of different strata and groups of people. And what is of a special importance, it refers to the issues of expanding their involvement in establishing the central and local bodies of state power, as well as in carrying out control over their activities.

Speaking shortly, the civil society for us is a society which must reflect all diversity of public and political, social, cultural and enlightenment, professional organizations and structures. Its main goal is to create all necessary conditions and opportunities for each and every person living in our country, irrespective of his nationality, belief, race, convictions and views to realize his abilities and talent, while protecting his interests, rights and freedoms.

I think there is no need to prove to anyone that achieving the accord among state, political, public and civil institutions to much extent prevents the social tension in society, creates the appropriate conditions for a stable and sustainable development of the country.

This is the very essence of transition to a truly democratic system of governance and, to much extent, this is a very recipe to prevent bureaucracy and corruption in power.

Certainly, we do realize that shaping civil society is a continuous, long and most complex process, the success of which depends on rightly chosen guidelines in reforming the country and society, and first and foremost, on to what extent the democratic and liberal values are firmly consolidated in people’s minds.

In this course, it is important that the principal subject of reforms - a human being, must become convinced in his own life experience of the need and concrete usefulness of the reforms and changes underway in the country.

I think you will agree with me that worthily assessing the most important outcomes of implementation of the tasks and objectives envisaged in the Constitution in terms of building a modern democratic state and society in our country, today we have all grounds to state that a consistent and step-by-step process of continuing and deepening democratic reforms and liberalizing the society has clear and precise guidelines, and the started vital changes in our life will surely be taken to their logical end.

This is our future and we will not step back from this perspective.

Dear compatriots!

Availing myself of this opportunity, I consider it necessary to briefly dwell upon, perhaps, today’s most actual and urgent issue, i.e. the world financial crisis and its consequences on our country.

Briefly, about the world financial crisis itself.

The crisis, that had started with failure and insolvency of mortgage lending in the United States, had its large-scale impact on liquidity crisis of the largest banks and financial institutions, and led to disastrous fall of indices and market value of the biggest companies at the world’s top stock exchanges. In its turn, this all has caused considerable production decrease, sharp deceleration of economic growth rates in many countries with all related negative consequences.

Many leading think-tanks and expert centers, analyzing and summarizing the data related to current state and possible impacts of the global financial crisis, make the following conclusions.

First, the global scale of crisis processes taking place in the financial and banking system, inevitability of recession and economic decline, cutting down of investment activity, decrease of demand and shrinking of international trade volumes, as well as considerable social losses which may well impact many countries in the world, - have found their confirmation in practice.

Second, the broken out global financial crisis has demonstrated serious shortcomings and necessity to radically reform existing world financial and banking system, proved the lack of a due control over the operations of banks, which mainly served their own corporate interests, being carried away by various speculative operations at the credit and securities markets.

Third, the scale, depth and consequences of financial and economic crisis in the certain state will to much extent depend on, primarily, the stability of its financial and currency system, capitalization and liquidity of national credit institutions, their dependency on the foreign and corporate banking structures, as well as the size of gold and currency reserves and capability to repay external loans, and finally, on the level of sustainability, diversified nature and competitiveness of national economy.

Fourth, the earliest tackling of the world financial crisis and mitigation of its consequences mostly depends on efficiency and concurrence of the adopted measures at certain national level and international level as a whole.

The November 2008 Washington G20 Summit which brought together the biggest states that represent about 85% of the world gross product has reaffirmed an ever growing scale of the global financial crisis.

The Summit discussions demonstrated that today the point is not about preventing, but only about seeking the ways out of the world financial crisis, i.e. the line of no return to earlier positions has been practically passed.

The discussions have also shown that the Summit participants did not have common approaches towards the analysis of reasons of the emerged crisis and therefore it is yet early to speak about elaboration of a joint effective Programme aimed at neutralizing serious and far-reaching consequences of the ongoing global financial crisis.

At the same time, the very fact that such a Summit was held and discussed the problems and current situation regarding the world financial crisis by itself stands as a hope-giving signal.

Dear friends!

I believe today there is no need to prove that the level and depth of susceptibility of each country to the impact of the world financial crisis, first of all, depends on stability and reliability of financial, economic and banking systems, as well as on how strong are the protective mechanisms integrated into them.

Speaking about the justified principles and purposeful priorities of our own model of reforming and modernization adopted in Uzbekistan, I would like to emphasize that while putting forward our long-term national interests we have denied the methods of shock therapy, which were persistently imposed on us, as well as naïve and deceptive conceptions about the self-regulating nature of market economy.

We have chosen an evolutionary approach to the process of transition from an administrative-command to a market system of regulation, the road of gradual and phased reforms, acting in line with a well-known principle - “do not destroy the old house until you build a new one”.

And what was of a special importance, in order not to fall a prey to turmoil and chaos, we have clearly defined a principle that at a transition period it is the state that must take a responsibility of a principal reformer.

In cases when it was dictated by long-term interests of the country and necessity to resolve and tackle extraordinary situations, we have applied the methods of state regulation which finally have completely justified themselves.

We have all grounds to say that the chosen model and the ongoing balanced policies of reforming, modernization, technical and technological renewal of the country, diversification of economy have erected a rather powerful barrier, one may say, a reliable buffer which protects us from various negative impacts and crises.

Uzbekistan has created a sufficient safety factor and necessary resource basis to ensure sustainable and uninterrupted functioning of its financial, economic, budget, banking and credit system, as well as enterprises and branches of real sector.

I will just dwell upon a couple of examples.

It is not a secret that one of the most considerable components of the world financial crisis is aggravation of the problem of bank liquidity, credit market crisis, and putting it simple, the lack of money.

For over the past years our country has accomplished a lot to ensure the growth of banks’ capitalization and this measure has allowed to cardinally increase the capital basis and liquidity of the National Bank, People’s Bank, Industrial and Construction Bank and Micro-credit Bank, as well as such commercial banks as Asaka Bank, Pakhta Bank, and Ghalla Bank which make up the core of our banking system.

Thanks to the measures taken during 2008 alone the total capital of the eight leading commercial banks, which concentrate the three fourth of total capital of commercial banks of the republic, has increased by 42%, and by 2010 it will double.

The total assets of commercial banks, including the provisions made up in line with the Law “On guarantees of protection of citizens’ deposits in banks”, exceed 13.36 trillion soums, or are about 2.4 times more than the volume of deposits of both citizens and economic entities.

Taking into consideration the significant growth of volume of banking assets in the country, today the state gives 100% guarantee on all banking deposits of population.

I would like to specially dwell on the activity of the “Micro-credit Bank” set up in 2006. This bank is called upon to provide credits for small businesses and entrepreneurs, and has 78 branches and more than 270 mini-banks throughout the country.

During the last two years the total assets of the bank have increased 3.5 times. The volume of crediting the small businesses and private entrepreneurship has increased 4 times, and over 150 billion soums have been channeled for these purposes.

According to the Decree of President, the authorized fund of the “Micro-credit Bank” shall be increased by 72 billion soums and reach 150 billion soums.

The next point which I would like to speak refers to an external debt and problems of its servicing.

It ought to be said that the insufficiently considered policies of many states in terms of external borrowings have led to the situation when the economies of these countries became vulnerable and strongly dependent on external factors and threats.

For over the period of independent development Uzbekistan has always been committed to the principle of denying short-term speculative loans and attracting mainly long-term foreign investments with preferential interest rates.

I would like also to note that in the course of our practice there were the facts when we refused some loan proposals to implement certain projects, in which we did not have a firm confidence and guarantees of their timely servicing.

At the moment, the total external debt of Uzbekistan makes up 13.3% of GDP and does not exceed 31% of export volume. According to international classification, this index is characterized as less than moderate.

The current state and volume of repayments of our commercial banks on external liabilities do not cause any concern. This fact also underscores that our banking system is not subject for influence of negative processes related to the world financial crisis.

Uzbekistan has proved to be a reliable and solvent partner which has created practically unprecedented conditions for attracting foreign capital.

The very fact that during the last two years the volume of implemented foreign investments increased more than 2.5 times speaks much for itself.

During the year 2008 Uzbekistan will use foreign investments worth over US$1.5 billion and more than 70% of them are the direct investments.

In 2009, in the framework of the Investment Programme it is envisaged to implement more than US$1.8 billion of foreign investments, about three fourth of which are the direct investments.

In general, the total volume of capital investments in 2009, including foreign and domestic investments into the country’s economy, will make up not less than 25% of GDP.

I would like to briefly speak about the measures aimed at consistent and advanced increasing of salaries and incomes of population, as well as at preventing the uncontrolled growth of price indices in the consumer market.

During the first 11 months of 2008 the inflation rate made up 6.6% and by the end of this year it will not exceed 8%, or will remain within the limits of the estimated indices for 2008.

In 2008 the average salary of the state budget funded personnel shall increase by 51% and taking into account those employed with economic entities it shall increase by 47%.

Thus, during the last two years, i.e. from 2007 to 2008, the average salary will increase more than twofold, and this fully corresponds to the chosen course and our paramount priority - progressive growth of people’s well being and their purchasing power.

Dear compatriots!

Certainly, the aforementioned facts in no way mean that ever expanding world financial crisis shall not have its impact on our country and bypass us. This would be the most naïve and I would say an unforgivable delusion. Each of us should realize that today Uzbekistan is an integral part of the world community and global financial and economic market.

The striking evidence for this fact are as follows: our ever increasing ties with outside world; implementation of the Programmes on development, modernization, technical and technological re-equipment of economic sectors with an assistance of the leading developed countries; integration of Uzbekistan into international trade; growth of imports and exports of goods and commodities.

It is quite natural that the global financial crisis and, in the first instance, its consequences are already affecting the development and efficiency of our economy.

Due to shrinking demand at the world market the prices for the commodities exported by Uzbekistan are decreasing, such as precious and non-ferrous metals, cotton, uranium, oil products, mineral fertilizers, and others. This, in its turn, leads to decrease of export gains by economic entities and investors, affects their income and profitability of production, and finally, the growth rates and our macroeconomic indicators.

We do have all necessary prerequisites in the country to neutralize impact of the world financial crisis and overcome its consequences. During the past period we have established a rather solid foundation of economic and financial potential of the country, created reliable mechanisms to regulate financial and banking infrastructure.

Quite recently we have adopted and are currently implementing the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on rendering additional assistance to banking and financial structures, supporting the business activity of enterprises and companies of the real sector of economy, increasing profitability of production and export potential, and providing with these purposes additional tax preferences and implementing along with this other large-scale measures and projects.

Availing myself of this opportunity, I would like to underscore once again.

The neutralization of consequences of ever-expanding global financial crisis obliges each of us, first of all, to realize what a serious task we face and based on that to provide full mobilization of our forces and resources.

Dear compatriots!

A year ago, right in this hall together with you we decided to announce the year 2008 as the “Year of Youth” in our country.

The main purpose which we pursued in this respect was to give a strong impetus, open broad opportunities and conditions for bringing up in our country a physically and morally sound young generation, successful acquisition by them of modern knowledge and achievements of technological progress, providing protection of their rights and interests, in a word, creating everything required for the young people entering the life become a real decisive force in renewal of our society.

In order to realize the above-stated tasks, which were upgraded to a level of national policy since the early days of our independence, we have developed and are implementing a special Programme dedicated to the “Year of Youth”.

We have specified material and financial sources, responsible agencies and organizations, concrete performers of large-scale actions entered into the Programme.

The control over the implementation of the Programme on the national level was entrusted to the republican commission, and in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and in provinces - to special regional commissions.

I think today it is needless to say what a strong support and enthusiasm was observed among broad public, first of all, among the youth themselves the announcement of the year 2008 as the “Year of Youth”.

Numerous enterprises, farms, educational institutions, political parties, social structures and funds, representatives of commercial structures and business, private entrepreneurs have made their worthy contribution to implementing the “Year of Youth” Programme, thus making it a really national movement, which gained ground throughout the country.

While assessing the large-scale and very important work which has been done until today, I would like to briefly dwell upon some of its directions.

First of all, these are the issues of further improvement and deepening of legislative and legal basis directed to protect interests and rights of the youth. During the time passed on these issues the President and government have adopted 13 resolutions and 1 instruction, and 2 bills were drafted. A great attention in these documents is given to issues of children’s healthcare from birth to maturity, strengthening of material and technical basis of charity houses and special boarding schools, as well as material support for the employees of these organizations.

The Cabinet of Ministers has adopted the State Programme on strengthening material and technical basis of existing children’s musical schools and art schools, and construction of new such schools in 2009-2014, as well as the resolution of the Government on further encouragement of the talented young people. Today we are preparing one more very important document - the draft of the State Programme on strengthening of material and technical basis of higher educational institutions.

A great attention in the current year was paid also to issues of strict implementation of earlier adopted national Programmes in the sphere of education. The logical completion of measures taken in this respect was creation of a system providing full coverage of secondary school graduates with education in academic lyceums and professional colleges. To put it concretely, Uzbekistan has practically completed transition to a 12-year secondary education. Within a year alone more than 370 billion soums were spent and 184 modern lyceums and colleges were built for these purposes.

Along with this a large work has been done on strengthening material and technical basis of general secondary schools. For these purposes 364 billion soums were spent during a year, and 1875 schools were newly built and reconstructed.

At the focus of our attention always were the issues of worthy appreciation of the labor of teachers and tutors, who dedicated themselves to honorable cause of bringing up and spiritual development of the youth, their material and moral encouragement. Due to an improved system of remuneration of schoolteachers, which was introduced in 2006, their annualized monthly salary has increased on average 1.6-fold only due to this system and without calculation of annual indexation. In accordance with the resolution on improving payments to teachers at higher educational institutions, the salaries of professors and teachers have increased by 25%, and with calculation of indexation of total amount of salary throughout the country in 2008 they have increased twofold. In its turn, salary of directors of lyceums and colleges, teachers and tutors in 2008 has increased in total for 1.8-1.9 times due to these factors.

The large-scale purposeful work on intensifying attention and care about the youth is reflected in the fact that our students are achieving high results and successfully mastering the fundamentals of modern science. We cannot but be happy with the fact that our students have won 13 medals and took the first place at Mendeleev International Olympiad on chemistry held in Tashkent in 2008. Our schoolchildren were awarded 4 prize places at Math Olympiad held in Spain this year, in which the representatives of 97 countries participated.

I think that there is no need to prove how important for our today and tomorrow to pay a great attention to the issues of spiritual and moral upbringing of the youth in the spirit of respectful attitude to national and universal values, bringing up future citizens with firm convictions and attitude to life, able to counter harmful influence and movements alien to our mentality.

A serious attention was paid to the issues related to solution of a very urgent matter - employment of young people, who are finishing their study at secondary special schools.

This year a new system of statistical reports, as well as a system of control over the actual state of affairs in employment of graduates of colleges and lyceums has been introduced.

A fresh data on this issue, and first of all, introduction of the required order and charging concrete responsibility for employment of graduates on the management of colleges, lyceums and local authorities is bearing positive results.

There is another important aspect of the work accomplished in this direction. We have critically revised the full list of specialties taught at colleges and higher educational institutions of the country and we did it with a single purpose - to take into consideration the real perspective demand of the branches of economy and social sphere when training schoolchildren and students.

It should be noted that this year alone training on 80 specialties has been cancelled at professional colleges, and in the system of higher education training on 90 new specialties has been introduced.

I think there is no need to say that all what is done in this direction will ultimately find its reflection in creating required conditions for every young person entering the life could self-actualize himself, apply his knowledge and capabilities.

No doubt that over 660,000 jobs created, first of all, for young people in 2008, that is much more than in previous year, will certainly stimulate the implementation of the above-stated task.

While continuing this topic I would like to note that this year alone over 2000 disabled out of the youth have been provided with quoted work and housework, 2,800 young men and women from low-income families obtained profession in line with the “tutor-apprentice” method.

One of the today’s priorities is to nurture in our children the feeling of beauty and aspiration for good as a ground for further upgrading the cultural level of society as a whole.

Certainly, construction in the capital city of the wonderful Youth Creativity Palace that meets the latest requirements became a good present to a young generation. The construction and commissioning of youth centers in Andijan and Jizzakh will certainly open new possibilities and horizons for thousands and thousands of our children.

It is difficult to overestimate by words the great work accomplished in our country to develop the children’s sport and strengthen the health of the young generation.

Within the projects “Improving health of women and children”, “Health-2”, the medical institutions have been provided with equipment worth of around US$3.5 million.

Our foreign partners and international organizations render significant and indispensable assistance in this work. The new technologies on flour fortification are being introduced at the expense of the World Fund for improving nutrition, which allocated US$6 million. At the expense of the grant of the Government of Japan the Republican Scientific and Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology has been provided with modern treatment and diagnostic equipment worth of US$3.5 million.

The Development Fund of Saudi Arabia and the OPEC Fund have allocated US$21 million to build 28 new schools in our country, the Kuwait Arab Fund for Economic Development allocated US$13 million to build the Republican Center of Neurosurgery, the Islamic Development Bank allocated US$10 million to build 5 new professional colleges, the United Arab Emirates allocated US$16 million for equipping new schools, including computers.

Along with it, I would like to note the allocation of significant funds by the Asian Development Bank, KFW Bank of Germany, as well as the financial institutions of the People’s Republic of China for further development of public utilities sphere, improvement of drinking water supply to rural population.

Availing myself of this opportunity, I want to express a sincere gratitude to all our foreign partners for the noble assistance rendered to us in protecting our children’s and youth’s health, creating conditions for them to obtain modern and deserved education.

For over this year with a view to accustoming our youth to a healthy lifestyle, developing the mass sport the construction and repair works in 186 sport facilities have been finished, and we have created all conditions for millions of our children to actively engage in sports.

Undoubtedly, the passing year will be remembered due to various sport forums, secured victories, which we are rightly proud of. In particular, at the XXIX Summer Olympic Games in Beijing the sportsmen of Uzbekistan have secured one gold, two silver and three bronze medals, which has become an enormous event in sport life of our country.

We all have been pleased with a noteworthy participation of the national junior football team of Uzbekistan at the Asian Championship. They have secured the right to participate at the World Championship to be held in Egypt in 2009.

Dear friends!

One of the main factors in accomplishing the high and noble goals set before us, we believe, is the material and moral support of young families, which make up the basis of our society.

This year the noteworthy work has been carried out in this direction. Thus, credits worth 46 billion soums have been allocated in the regions to construct houses for young families, 15 many-storied houses have been commissioned and 530 young families have obtained new apartments. Until the end of the year the construction of 52 more houses are to be finished and 1900 young families are to be provided with housing. Besides, 1300 families of young teachers have been given land-plots for construction of houses.

Introduction of a scheme to provide the graduates of charity homes with housing has become one of the noble works in 2008. As a result, 90 young people have obtained new apartments.

Speaking of these notable efforts, it should be mentioned that in 2008 at the expense of sponsorship funds of over 14 billion soums more than 15,000 families have been provided with free cattle, the low-income and young families have been allocated with preferential loans worth 6.5 billion soums to develop cattle-breeding at their households. Other measures to support the low-income families have been taken, as well.

If we calculate that by mobilizing all sources of financing more than 1 trillion 248 billion soums, out of which 1 trillion 96 billion soums came from budget and 151 billion soums from sponsors, were spent to accomplish the objectives of the “Year of Youth” State Programme, I believe we will realize the scope of the accomplished works.

Dear friends!

Such qualities inherent in our people since the ancient times as the ability to selflessly make good, live by the interests, care and needs of people, undoubtedly, inspire a feeling of pride for our ancestors in each of us, as well as a sincere wish to be worthy of them.

Availing myself of this opportunity, on my own behalf and on behalf of our people I express a feeling of sincere gratitude to the state and non-state, commercial organizations, to our farmers, representatives of business and entrepreneurship, to representatives of foreign countries and international institutions, to all people who have contributed to this noble cause.

There is no doubt that the enormous work in terms of scope and significance, which has been accomplished in 2008, declared as the Year of Youth, will not be limited to this year alone, but shall be continued.

I would like all of us to deeply realize one simple truth. If we want to secure the goals set before us, if we want to accelerate the progress of our country and raise the authority of our Homeland on international arena, if we all want to see the future and happiness of our children, - there is only one way - it is a comprehensive support of the young generation, who is entering the life, open a wide road before them and make use of all opportunities we have to this end.

Dear friends!

I believe now it is necessary to consult with you on how to name the upcoming 2009 and in line with this to define the most important and priority tasks for the next year.

There is no doubt and you I believe will agree with me that our origins which trace back deep into the centuries are linked with invisible roots to the rural land.

Indeed, all people residing on this land feed themselves and live at the expense of produce grown on this land, sufficiency and prosperity of our nation are created above all by hands of our hard-working dekhkans. In a word, every human being, wherever he lives or wherever he works, I believe, permanently feels and realizes that his life and the life of his family are inseparably linked with a countryside.

Along with it we must not forget that the majority of population of our country - around 50% - lives in the rural area. And therefore, we well understand that further flourishing of the country, growth of people’s prosperity and successful resolution of high objectives standing before us, certainly, depend on the future of our countryside.

In other words, improving the state of affairs in the countryside, further increasing of efficiency of the agricultural sector, at all times, and particularly, taking into account the increased demand at the modern stage, certainly, obtain a particular significance and actuality.

Therefore, in order to give a new strong impetus, a new acceleration to the work accomplished in this direction I suggest to declare the forthcoming year 2009 in our country as the “Year of Rural Development and Well-being”.

Dear friends!

Today it is needless to say that in view of this in order to thoroughly and successfully address the existing problems of countryside with participation of all interested bodies, structures and organizations the State Programme of the “Year of Development and Improvement of Countryside” shall be elaborated.

As for the main events which must be reflected in this Programme, we should first of all enhance the legal framework to provide more comprehensive observance of interests of rural population, reconsider the current legislative acts from the position of today’s requirements.

The issues related to further development of rural infrastructure, i.e. housing of construction or supplying natural gas, drinking water, electricity, improving roads, transport and communication services - in a word, raising the quality of life and culture in the countryside must be of a paramount importance.

The Programme must contain such important tasks as development of industry and construction in rural areas, creation of compact processing enterprises with modern equipment and technologies, and the sphere of services. The implementation of these measures will allow to provide the rural population, first of all, the youth with jobs, raise incomes and well-being of people.

We will have to pay a special attention to the issues of deepening reforms in agricultural sector, additionally supporting farms, improving their material and financial basis, providing them new privileges and preferences. In short, we will have to pay a due level of attention to protection of the new ownership relations which are being shaped in the countryside, the interest of the middle class, - the owners, entrepreneurs and businesspeople.

The issue of improving the fertility of soil remains the most important task. To achieve this goal we need to pay more attention to such an important issue as amelioration of lands. We must always remember the ancient wisdom - the land feeds a dekhkan who in his turn feeds the whole nation. This must become the most important criterion of our work in the sphere of agriculture.

The issues of improvement of peoples’ healthcare - our biggest treasure, upgrading the medical culture of population, raising the quality of education system and strengthening its material basis, - will remain at the focus of our attention in elaborating the Programme.

When preparing the Programme, it will be imperative to take into consideration opinions and proposals of governmental and non-governmental organizations, local authorities, farms and business structures and broad public.

Dear compatriots!

I think nobody of us will doubt the simple truth: if rural areas develop, the quality of our life will raise and our country will prosper, too.

I am confident that this big Programme task on developing and improving rural areas, unification of our forces and resources to achieve these goals fully meet the today’s requirements and the interests of our people.

Once again, I congratulate you on the Day of Constitution and wish all of you a good health, happiness and successes.

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